Double Blind: A training exercise is considered Double Blind if the person person searching does not know the location of odor(s), and/or if any are prescent, AND the accompanying Instructor/Evaluator also does not know. 

">Double Blind
 : A training exercise is considered Double Blind: A training exercise is considered Double Blind if the person person searching does not know the location of odor(s), and/or if any are prescent, AND the accompanying Instructor/Evaluator also does not know. 

">Double Blind
 if the person person searching does not know the location of odor(s), and/or if any are prescent, AND the accompanying Instructor/Evaluator also does not know. 


VSRDA Glossary

  • Laminar Air Flow
    Laminar Air Flow: a straight flow of air without and interference.
  • Looping Scent
    Looping Scent: when scent travels upwards from a source, and settles down away from the source. Occurs with little to no wind at the source.
  • LKP
    LKP (Last Known Position): the last location of the missing subject, substantiated by evidence or clues. The LKP changes with the discovery of clues/evidence.